Thursday, January 1, 1970

Group 1 History Book Project

Group 1
107 , 167 , 168 , 176 , 181 , 182 , 187 , 207 , 231 ,

Classes E & B do the following for each page

  1. Read what the page says about Christmas
  2. Assign Label(s)
  3. Read comments about your page and decide how to edit it adding your own comment as necessary to describe what the page says about Christmas.
  4. If the label is "Not Christmas" make a comment to the "Not Christmas" post. (94)
  5. Decide if what is said about Christmas is a story or just a reference to Christmas.
  6. If what is said is a reference to Christmas then make a comment to the "Reference" post.
  7. If what is said is a story make a new post (need teacher to sign in).as follows:
    1. Put the page # in the "Title" box and add a title that describes what is said.
    2. Copy the page link into the post.
    3. Add the edited comment to the post.
    4. Use "Show all" to add label(s).
    5. Save your post and have your team (and the teacher) review your post before it is published.
    6. (238 - assign # and groups - 386/387)
Note to Editor: Copy and paste comments to pages from all sources under page comments below. Indicate if the page is not Christmas a reference or a story - for stories make a link to the story post.
    Volume 1 Pages: 94 ,Page 94: Nothing much on Christmas. Charels Beaudgarde born on December 24th 1942. Not a good website for Christmas topics.
    107, Christmas time too was celebrated by first going to midnight mass and other family Christmas.
    167 , Nothing in his Christmas because the barn was on fire.

    168 ,pg.168, Christmas is about people staying in their homes and staying humble
    176 ,pg.176 Christmas is about sharing memories and good times.
    178 Pg 178, Only talks about hunting on Christmas Eve.
    181 ,181 Alice got a butter dish for Christmas when she was six.
    182, Talks about the page family christmas.
    187 Talks about a hotel burning down on christmas eve.
    207, The Mcdonald family went to a midnight mass at christmas time.
    231 ,The dessert ceremoniously set afire on christmas evening.

    Friday, November 20, 2009

    Pages Not About Christmas

    The pages in the comments to this post use the word "Christmas" but are not about Christmas.
    1. Put your edited comment, about what is said using the word Christmas but it not about Christmas, in the "Leave your comment" box.
    2. Then choose the "Name/URL" "Comment as:" option and put the page # in the name box and leave the URL box empty.
    3. Have your team members preview your comment before you publish it.


    94 Not Christmas said...

    Nothing much on Christmas. Charels Beaudgarde born on December 24th 1942.

    FACTS Student said...

    talking about fall harvest...and yeah not christmas...

    Anonymous said...

    It is not about Christmas

    732 said...

    this page is not about christmas it is about the formation and history of st.albert high schools and the formation

    621 said...

    This page is not about Christmas. It is about the O'Donnell School District and partly about the Guilbault School District. They talk about how the school opened, how it closed and what they did at school. They even talk about salaries but do not mention school at all.

    737 said...

    this page is not about christmas it has facts about womens league womens community and the st.albert community

    FACTS Student said...

    its was nothing about christmas at all its all just about farmers faming the farmy thing that u farm in ur spare time for money so yah its about farmy farmers

    607- said...

    built their house before christmas.

    739 said...

    This is not about Christmas. It is about the formation of local clubs

    726 said...

    This page doesn't mention Christmas. It is all about different schools during past years.

    663 said...

    It was very interesting to hear about the residential and industrial growth of the Edmonton region.In this story, it explained that St.Albert was a very popular place to live, but that is was failing in the industrial developpement department. I am actually happy about this, because I happen to live in St.Albert. I really like living in St.Albert, and one reason is that it doesn't have a lot of industries. When I go to a place with many industries,Sherwood Park for example, I think about how I wouldn't want to live there. Industries make city's ugly, noisy, and polluted.

    663 said...

    I thought it was very interesting to read about the residential and industrial developpement of the Edmonton region. I also liked reading about how St. Albert was a very popular place to live, but it was failing in the industrial department. I happen to live in St. Albert, and I love living there.I happen to not like industries one bit. When I go to a city with a lot of industries, Sherwood Park for example, I think about how I wouldn't like to live there. This is because industries make cities ugly, polluted, noisy, and smelly.

    594 A guys life said...

    This page dosen't refer to Christmas but how his life unfolded in St.Albert. The only thng that it has to do with Christmas his he met the love of his life shortly after Christmas.

    FACTS Student said...

    its nice... not whats uts suppoesed to be about tho. farmy farmy

    FACTS Student said...

    Its not about about about about about about about about about about christmas SORRY Guys

    FACTS Student said...

    iTz Beautiful AnD aMaZiNg About Settlers not jeusmas

    598 said...

    This has abousouloutly nothing to dio with Christmas. It is about some guys life in St.Albert.

    598 said...

    This has absoutly nothing to do with Christmas. It is about the life of some guy in St.Abert.

    621 said...

    Whoops! I posted this and realized that it does say something about Christmas plays: This page is not about Christmas. It is about the O'Donnell School District and partly about the Guilbault School District. They talk about how the school opened, how it closed and what they did at school. They even talk about salaries but do not mention school at all. I also made this mistake: writing school instead of Christmas in the last sentence.

    300 said...

    Check why this is not Christmas

    FACTS Student said...

    This post has been removed by the author.

    645 said...

    Angus and Cecile seem like very nice people. It would have been nice to have known them.

    580 Christmas story said...

    Intresting to learn that some of St.Alberts first settelers had a lonley Christmas because there was a death in the family. Throught the story it is good to know that the family pulled through.

    629 said...

    mentiones christmas concert

    FACTS Student said...

    it was ghood to hear about the settlers and there traditonaly tradition

    386christmas concerts said...

    it just mentioned a christmas concert at a school

    FACTS Student said...

    christmas is a very holy timeof the year... we should all love each others

    288 Christmas Concerts said...

    It only mentions Christmas Concerts

    FACTS Student said...


    306 Christams Winds said...

    It only mentions Christmas Winds

    441 family christmas said...

    grandmother knit mits for christmas.

    570 said...

    This story mentions a year that they bought a Christmas tree and a bit about winter but that is all.


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